Tuesday 14 May 2013


Hello, welcome to my blog. Pleasure to have you here. Basically, Tes Edi's Blog is about relationships, marriage and any other matters...be it celebrity gossip, fashion, lifestyle, news, events and whatever I feel might be of interest to my readers.

The idea of this blog basically is to reach out to both single and married people. Lets make it an interactive blog where we can share our life experiences in love, relationships and marriage. Feel free to drop me an email  (tessyedi@gmail.com), as I will publish it for others to read and give their advice, and you can also request for it to be anonymous if you want to protect your identity. You may find some of your answers here, as you may never know who has passed through the same thing, or whose questions your story will answer.

Thank you very much for your time and looking forward to having a great and wonderful time with you. Cheers!

Tessy Edi.


  1. Nice one hun!! following you all da way :)

    1. Thanx darlyn,you are officially the first to leave a comment. I owe you one. muah! Always a darlyn will remain a darlyn...


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